ASU leads the way for post-retiree enrollment and lifelong learning

Two seismic demographic shifts are creating a unique opportunity for higher education leaders. By 2034, people over the age of 65 are expected to outnumber those under 18 for the first time in U.S. history. This longevity boom, combined with the pending enrollment cliff, challenges the conventional three-stage life course of “learn, work, retire.”
Higher education institutions are rethinking their roles to accommodate a new fourth stage, focusing on lifelong learning and engagement. Universities like Arizona State University and Stanford are at the forefront, with initiatives such as the ASU’s Learning Enterprise and New Map of Life, which offer innovative pathways for non-credential-seeking learners at every life stage.
Explore how these institutions are seizing this demographic shift to transform education and foster a more age-inclusive society.
Read the full story on Inside Higher Ed by Lindsey Beagley, Simon Chan and Kyra Jones.